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Please understand that although these are samples of results, every case has its own facts, evidence, and risk factors.  A "win" to each client means a different outcome.  Also every case has its own defenses and risks that the client may or may be willing to take. 


In a time where 95% of criminal cases are resolved based on negotiations, being able to negotiate effectively is one of the most important skills that a criminal defense attorney should posses.  "Plea bargaining is not some adjunct to the criminal justice system; it is the criminal justice system" Justice Kennedy United Stated Supreme Court




DESCRIPTION: The client was arrested and faced 38 counts of grand larceny with allegations of over $105,000 in damages.



Plead guilty to one count of Misdemeanor with no active jail.


DESCRIPTION: The client was accused of one of the oldest cases in ---- county.  The case stemmed from accusations of incident(s) from over 35 years ago.  This case was right after the Bill Cosby conviction and big waive of these sorts of cases coming up. Client had made statements for over an hour. 



All felony charges dropped.  Plead to one count of Misdemeanor with no jail


DESCRIPTION: The client was arrested and charged with three counts of Felony object sexual penetration. He made confessions to the Police.  When he hired me he was facing maximum of 3 life terms.  We were able to drop all three charges and he pled Alford to one count of Aggravated Sexual Battery and received 18 months in jail. 



2 counts dropped and one amended to Agg Sex Battery.

From max of 3 life term he received 1  1/2 year.

Obduction, Strangulation, possession of Cocaine, possession of firearm while committing a felony, pos of firearm while pos schedule I

DESCRIPTION: The client was arrested and charged with multiple counts facing 6 years mandatory minimum and over 100 years by statute.  



All charges dismissed except guilty on disorderly conduct


DESCRIPTION: The client was arrested and charged with Felony Malicious Wounding.  He was accused of punching the victim and causing his eye to burst out of his cheek bone, causing permanent vision damage.



Charge Dismissed


DESCRIPTION: The client was accused of raping another person.  The detectives contacted him and he immediately informed me of the allegations and facts surrounding it.  We were able to convince and prove to the detective that the allegations were false due to anterior motives.



No charges were ever filed

DESCRIPTION: The client was accused of robbery of another person.  We were able to through investigation find evidence that damaged the prosecutor's case. 



Charge was amended to simple assault with no jail


ROBBERY with use of Firearm 

DESCRIPTION: The client who was a juvenile was accused of robbery by fire arm from a house.  There were certain issues with the Miranda violations.  of another person.  We were able to through investigation find evidence that damages the prosecutor's case. 



Client to comply with probation for 2 years and then case dismissed


Possession of Firearm by violent felon, Assault on officer, Obstruction of justice, eluding, DWI, Reckless 

DESCRIPTION: The client was accused of Driving Drunk, running away from police, then resisting arrest and assaulting two officers while possessing a fire arm. 



All charges dropped


Felony Distribution
Charges on School 

DESCRIPTION: The client who was a 4.1 GPA student at a prominent university was charged with multiple felony charges of possession of drugs and distribution on school ground.  Search Warrant had issues.  



Case was dropped


Malicious Wounding, Abduction & Strangulation

DESCRIPTION: The client was accused of not allowing a "victim" to leave the house, strangled, and attacked, causing unconsciousness.   



After over a year of working the case, the felony charges were dropped to a misdemeanor trial and then dismissed.







© 2008 Law Office of Shirafkan

The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship.

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